Sunday School Emphasis in Worship Service

Diana & Mark,

One of the projects we’ve been working on in our Sunday School planning meetings is to have a once-a-month emphasis on Sunday School in the Worship Service. We have come to the point to start rolling this out and would like to begin in April. Our plan is to do this on the 2nd Sunday of each month during the morning worship service, and here is what the emphasis will include:

  1. An insert in the bulletin containing some or all of the following:
    1. Highlight / Promote a preschool/children/youth class
    2. Highlight / Promote one of our adult classes
    3. SS related News and Calendar Items
    4. A blurb from Sunday School Leadership – me, pastor, my leadership team, or even a teacher… something a bit “inspirational”, I guess.
    5. Pictures or something else from recent SS events (later)
    6. Something fun
  2. About 5 minutes during the service to focus on Sunday School. We anticipate doing this such as:
    1. A testimony from a teacher or SS member about how SS affects their lives
    2. Special music by a SS person about an evangelistic or outreach type of thing.
    3. Something fun (children-related things, like 1st grader responses to the question “How big is God?”)
    4. Skit related to or put on by SS members
    5. Recognition of accomplishments

Pastor Mike has been in these meetings and I think I’m correct in saying we have his “go-for-it” to incorporate this into that once-a-month Sunday focus, and I’d like to go ahead and get you all on board to work it in as well.

Diana, I’d like to know when you need the insert (probably a PDF file) so that you can print it and get it in the bulletin. It will probably be ½ sheet, 2 sided.

Mark, I’d like to start off this first month with me sharing a bit about the new insert, and in addition, probably do the “fun” thing to kick it off by working with a powerpoint of some of our childrens classes to get their answers to some of the “deep” questions in life that kids answer in such a unique way. How far in advance would you need any fully-prepared powerpoint slides to work them in? In future months, assuming we do all the preparation work, how much lead time would you need to work something like I’ve described into the service & powerpoint? And last but not least, should I have a particular drama or maybe even want you to find one for me, what kind of lead time to you need on that?

Thank you all for your help; this has been brewing for quite a while and it is neat to see our team starting to come together around it to make it happen, TOGETHER.


One Response to “Sunday School Emphasis in Worship Service”

  1. Darryl Wilson Says:


    Great post. I have mentioned it in today’s Revolutionary post, Pulpit Sunday School Promotion, Keep up the good work!

    Darryl Wilson

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